This project has been an incredibly informative experience for me. I have learnt a lot about adoption and the foster care system, as well as being encouraged to think in new ways.
While learning the basic process for adoption, one of the biggest things I learnt is that there are no guarantees; no guarantees of how long it will actually take, or exactly how it will play out. I enjoyed seeing the huge jump that adoption has made, even from seventy years ago. Numerous laws have been put in place to regulate adoption and prevent human trafficking and extortion. Stigmas are being torn down, but there is still a long way to go. The book I read really opened my eyes in regards to the damaging stereotypes and comments made about adoption, and the importance of changing the feelings surrounding adoption. It challenged me to really think about what I say, even the little side comments, because they have the potential to hurt people. I also discovered that so much of adoption is centered around the parents and their wants, rather than focusing on the children and their best interests. I find this sad and I want to help shift people’s focus from parents, to children.
This project really reinforced my desire to someday adopt. It made me realise my reasoning for adopting. I want to adopt, not to “lessen the orphan population” or so that I could have a child, but rather to give a child a chance at life. I want to be able to provide someone with the love and support that I grew up with in my family, and show them that despite the unconventional formation of our family, they still deserve just as many opportunities as other kids who live with their biological families.
I don’t think that I would consider myself a mini-master of adoption. It is such a complex topic that there is still much for me to explore. However I did learn a lot, and am thankful for the project which allowed me to start my exploration of the topic.
When you were presenting you Ted Talk, I couldn't help but think of the adoption issue that arose this summer during the Olympics regarding Simone Biles and how it illustrates the point you were making about the need to break down stigmas. Your passion is clear and your desire to make a difference is commendable. Good luck as you continue to pursue your passion.